h1. Manage Users

h4. Adding a User

* Go to {link-window:https://cp.emailarray.com/admin|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}https://cp.emailarray.com/admin{link-window}
* Log in using your admin username and password.
* Click on *User* in the left menu under *Provision*
* \[optiona\] If you have Enhanced Service, select whether you wish to add an Enhanced Account or a Basic Account
* Enter the *Username* to add
* Enter the Name of the user to add
* Enter the *Password*
* Enter the *Quota* for the user, in Megabytes (MB). Note that 1024MB = 1GB. In order to assign someone 25 GB of storage, you have to enter:  25 600
* Click on *Provision*

h4. Removing a User

* Go to {link-window:https://cp.emailarray.com/admin|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}https://cp.emailarray.com/admin{link-window}
* Log in using your admin username and password.
* Click on *Users* in the left menu under *Manage*
* Select your domain from the *Select Domain* drop-down box
* Click on *Display All Users*
* Find the user in the list and click on *Remove*

h4. Editing a User

* Go to {link-window:https://cp.emailarray.com/admin|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}https://cp.emailarray.com/admin{link-window}
* Log in using your admin username and password.
* Click on *Users* in the left menu under *Manage*
* Select your domain from the *Select Domain* drop-down box
* Click on *Display All Users*
* Find the user in the list and click on *Edit*
* You can update the name, password and quota
* Click on *Update* to save your changes