h1. Set Domain Spam filter preferences

An administrator can set domain-wide Spam filter preferences through the Admin Control Panel. The settings will apply to all the users and provides an easy setup without each user having to perform any actions. Each user can however log on to their User Control Panel and set their own preferences which will override the domain-wide preferences.

The domain-wide Spam filter preferences can be found at this location:

* Go to {link-window:https://cp.emailarray.com/admin|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}[https://cp.emailarray.com/admin]
* Log in using admin username and password.
* Click on *Filtering* in the top menu bar
* Select the *Domain* for which you wish to modify the settings in the drop-down list

{info}What's the difference between Spam and HardSpam ? [Click here to find out|FAQ#HardSpam]


The options are:

*Accept e-mails from:*

* *Everyone:* This is the default option and lets all messages reach the Inbox (the default)
* *Whitelist & Address book only:* This option only allows messages present in the Whitelist & Address book to reach the Inbox, the rest will be rejected

*Send spam to:* this controls what happens to messages which are identified as Spam

* *Spam Folder:* Places the Spam messages in the Spam folder (the default)
* *Inbox:* Delivers the Spam messages to the Inbox
* *Delete:* Deletes the Spam messages

*Filter sensitivity:* The filtering system can be adjusted on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most restrictive while 1 is the most permissive. We find that the default setting of Normal Sensitivity is just right for most users.

*Keep Spam for:* How many days to keep the Spam messages in the Spam folder. Default is 7 days.

*Keep HardSpam for:* How many days to keep the HardSpam messages in the HardSpam folder. Default is 5 days.

*Send Spam Report:* This defines how often the users will receive in their Inbox the summary of Spam messages trapped over the past few hours. Default is every 12 hours.

*Spam E-mail Report Format*: Lets you choose the format of the Spam Report message. Default is HTML and TEXT.

After making any changes, click on the *Update Settings* button.