h1. Set Spam filter preferences

The Spam filter preferences can be found at this location (user control panel):

* Go to {link-window:https://cp.emailarray.com|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}[https://cp.emailarray.com]

* Log in using your full e-mail address ( user@domain.com ) and current password.

Alternatively, you can login to the user control panel using the respective link while logged to Webmail.

After logging in and click on *Filtering*, on the top bar, the options are:

*Accept e-mail from:*

* *Everyone, Whitelist & Address book:* This is the default option and lets all messages reach your Inbox.
* *Whitelist & Address book:* This option only allows messages present in the Whitelist & Address  book to reach the Inbox, the rest will be sent to your spam folder.

System  default is to accept emails from everyone, but the option to accept  only from whitelisted senders and contacts in your address book is a  nice alternate way of receiving no spams in your inbox, at the cost of  having to check your spam folder or spam reports, from time to time.

*Spam delivery:* this controls what happens to messages which are identified as Spam.

* *Spam folder:* Places the Spam messages in the Spam folder
* *Deliver to Inbox:* Delivers the Spam messages to the Inbox, basically same as disabling antispam for this user
* *Delete:* Deletes the Spam messages

*Filter sensitivity:* The filtering system can be adjusted on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most restrictive while 1 is the most permissive. We find that the default setting of Regular Sensitivity is just right for most users.

*Keep Spam for:* How many days to keep the Spam messages in your Spam folder.

*Send Spam E-mail Report every:* This defines how often you wish to receive in your Inbox the summary of Spam messages trapped over the past few hours (default is every 12 hours), or if you want it disabled. Using the report received via e-mail, you can easily click on the item in the Via column, which opens up the user panel and lets you deliver & whitelist an email/sender, just deliver the email (deliver only) or delete it. In the From column, click on the sender to preview the e-mail in the browser.

*Spam E-mail Report Format*: Lets you choose the format of the Spam Report message. Default is HTML and TEXT.

*Detect Forged From*: Creates a rule for user which checks if SMTP authentication has not occured when the sender's e-mail address of a received e-mail is the same as the recipient account's address. Such messages are moved to user's spam folder.